Senator Bayer‘s Senior Summit

Tuesday August 24, 2021 11:30 am

WHO: Sen. Rosemary Bayer; Rep. Kyra Harris Bolden; Attorney General Dana Nessel; Oakland County Treasurer Robert Wittenburg, and other special guests.
WHATSenior Summit Town Hall 
WHENTuesday, Aug. 24, 2021, from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.  
WHERE: Beverly Hills Village Park, 18801 Beverly Road, Beverly Hills, MI 48025 
RSVP to her Facebook event and let me know if you’re able to come
This event is free and open to the public. I hope to see you there! 

RALLY: Deadline for Democracy: A Rally for The People!

Tuesday July 06, 2021 07:00 pm

Tuesday, July 6 at 7-8p Recess RALLY Deadline for Democracy: A Rally for The People! 
Where: 300 E 9 Mile Rd, Ferndale, MI 48220

Let’s raise our voices to protect our freedom to vote! Our elections must remain fair and accessible for all citizens! Join Indivisibles and others around the country as we mark the Deadline for Democracy. We have an amazing lineup of speakers including Congressman Andy Levin, State Rep Regina Weiss, Senator Jeremy Moss, as well as leaders from Common Cause, Progress Michigan, We the People, and MORE! We need to show Congress that there is overwhelming grassroots support for voting rights.
Time is running out!

Bring a friend, make a sign, and meet up in Ferndale on Tuesday, July 6 at 7:00 PM to show support for the passage of S1, the For the People Act!
You’ll hear from speakers about the importance of this bill to the future of democracy. Together we’ll urge Senators Stabenow and Peters to make S1 a priority and to make sure nothing gets in the way-including the filibuster!
Learn more about how the For the People Act will empower and increase access for voters, strengthen our ethics laws and fight corruption, and decrease the influence of big money in politics.

July 20th Meeting - IN PERSON!

Tuesday July 20, 2021 07:00 pm


Tuesday, July 20th at Beverly Park at 7:00 p.m.: State Senator Mallory McMorrow will be speaking about electric vehicles and their infrastructure. Let’s FINALLY enjoy our opportunity to see one another in an outdoor setting and hear from one of our legislators on this timely topic. Light refreshments.

Beverly Park is located at 188801 Beverly Road (13 ½ Mile), between Southfield and Evergreen Roads.

June 15th Meeting

Tuesday June 15, 2021 07:00 pm

Come to our next virtual meeting on Tuesday, June 15th at 7:00 p.m.

  • Guest Speaker: Martin Bergstrom, Data, Analytics, & Technology Director with the Michigan Democratic Party
    • “Where we were, where we are and where we are going in 2022-Analyzing the analytics of our Democratic Club communities.”
  • Guest Speaker: Ross Fisher from “Oil and Water Don’t Mix”:
    • The Fight to Save the Great Lakes-Update on Campaign to Shut Down Line 5.



The July meeting will be OUTDOORS  on Tuesday, July 20th at Beverly Park in Beverly Hills at 7:00pm! More information to come.

May 18th Meeting: Reps Manoogian & Bolden, plus the Citizens' Climate Lobby!

Tuesday May 18, 2021 07:00 pm
  • Guest Speakers: State Representative Mari Manoogian & State Representative Kyra Bolden will give an update on the actions of the Michigan legislature.
  • Guest Speakers: Analicia Honkanen and Matt Leese of the Citizens’ Climate Lobby on Cutting Carbon Emissions: The best first step to address and mitigate climate change"


Learn more about Rank MI Vote & Ranked Choice Voting!

At our March meeting, Prof. Kevin Deegan-Krause of Wayne State University provided us with a fantastic presentation about how ranked choice voting (also known as "instant runoff voting") works, why it's a better way of electing candidates and how you can help bring it to Michigan.

You can also learn more by visiting!

BB Dems April 20th Meeting

Tuesday April 20, 2021 07:00 pm
  • Guest Speaker: Mark Brewer, lawyer, political consultant, former chair of the Michigan Democratic Party, “What is Redistricting and What is its Status in Michigan?”
  • Guest Speaker: Members of Michigan Liberation, a grassroots organization dedication to racial, economic, and criminal justice, “What is the Black Mother’s Day Bailout and how can we impact the school to prison pipeline?”

Register for the Zoom Meeting Today!


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