November Meeting
(Be aware this is the FOURTH Tuesday and not our usual third Tuesday of the month.)
- Speaker: U.S. Congresswoman Haley Stevens
- BBDems 2022 Executive Board Election
The current BBDems Executive Board Members are running for reelection, except for Vice Chair:
- Club Chair: Debbie Rosenman (I)
- Vice Chair: Emery Pence
- Corresponding Secretary: Charles Gaba (I)
- Recording Secretary: Andrew Corey (I)
- Treasurer: Gail Whitty (I)
- Trustee: Corinne Shoop (I)
- Trustee: Nicole Bedi (I)
If you are interested in running for any of these positions, you need to be a paid member and live in the BBDems Club area. Please email Debbie to let her know you want to run.
Thanks to all the paid members from 2021! If you live in the Club area, you're eligible to VOTE in this election at the meeting on November 23rd.
NOW is the time to join the Birmingham Bloomfield Dem Club for 2022! We need you!
Visit and join NOW! ($15/yr)
NOTE: All Club area members who have paid before the November meeting will be able to vote in the Executive Board elections.