Juneteenth Event

Saturday June 18, 2022 10:00 am

This inaugural event commemorates Juneteenth, or June 19, 1865, the day the final enslaved people were emancipated and honors their resilience and courage. The community is invited to celebrate the countless contributions of African Americans to our nation and to our community’s history and culture. We promote diversity, equity and a strong sense of community in West Bloomfield. This intention was approved by the West Bloomfield Township Board in a unanimous vote to recognize Juneteenth National Freedom day in West Bloomfield.

The event will feature a storyteller, music, arts, refreshments and a special performance by a WBHS spoken word poet. A Covid-19 vaccination clinic will be open during the event at West Bloomfield Fire Station #1 (next door to the high school). We wanted to invite you to attend and ask if you'd like to participate in the event in any way.

We welcome volunteers and partners for the event, which will run from 10am- Noon, outside in the WBHS south parking lot, 4925 Orchard Lake Road. Event partners include the West Bloomfield Library, West Bloomfield Parks & Recreation, United We Walk. Refreshments will be donated by Busch's and Trader Joe's.